ANNOUNCING seednotes #1: rivering toward

Belladonna* is excited to announce the first publication in a new series, seednotes, featuring writing and artworks generated from workshops conducted as part of the Belladonna* School for Feminist Practice and Poetics.

This first installment, designed by Paige Parsons, features works generated during the course of rivering toward, a Belladonna* School workshop facilitated by Mallika Singh in the spring of 2022. Mallika writes:

“This chaplet is gathered from the second iteration of rivering towards. This study and writing group began after I moved back to New Mexico and found myself reorienting through waterways. I was and am, always wanting, poetry that is active, an action. Poem as something we do. River as something we do. I am grateful to the lands, the people, the creatures who teach me this embodiment every day and challenge me to act more fully. Thank you to everyone in both iterations of this group. Thank you for sharing the places and rivers that have shaped you. The rituals, stories, images, writing, questions, maps, music we have made here are so special. Thank you for rivering with me.”

— Mallika Singh

Read and explore seednotes #1: rivering toward here.


A-telos Auditing: Joan Retallack, The Reinvention of Truth (Belladonna, 2004)


An Interview with James Loop